- Distance of floodplain crossing (ft.)
- Miles of Sandhills crossed
- Number of heavy angles (greater than 30 degrees)
- Length (miles)
- Cost (millions of dollars)
- Subtransmission line (69 and 34.5 kV) relocation (ft.)
- Number of railroads crossed
- Length of railroads paralleled (ft.)
- Number state highways crossed
- Number US highways crossed
- Interstate highway crossing
- Number major pipelines crossed
- Length of major pipelines paralleled (within ROW)
- Number of existing 345 kV transmission line crossings
- Number of existing 230 kV transmission line crossings
- Number of existing 115 kV transmission line crossings
- Number of existing Subtransmission line (69 and 34.5 kV) crossings
- Length of existing transmission parallel
- Number of communication towers within 0.25 mile
- Existing access for construction and operation (miles)